Thursday, March 19, 2009

vocabulary wk 8

Source sentence: The fetid odor of the truck was too much for the men to take. (pg.73) EDL Word Clues

Context clues:
Synonyms: smelly, foul
Antonyms: fresh, clean

Defintion: having an offensive odor; stinking.

Original sentence: After the basketball game, the players wreaked with a fetid smell.

Source sentence: The inmates' conversation was ribald as they discussed Massey's escape plan and described the way he would look and smell (pg.85)

Context clues:
The way its being used in the sentence sounds like it could mean clever or decisive

Definition: vulgar or indecent in speech, language, etc.; coarsely mocking, abusive, or irreverent; scurrilous.

Original sentence: The ribald way the young boy talked to his girlfriend was very inappropriate and scary.

Source Sentence: As Massey thought about the morning and his almost certain discovery, his attempt to escape began to seem more and more ignoble.

Context clues:
Synonyms: unrealistic, difficult
Antonyms: worthwhile

Definition: of low grade or quality; inferior.

Original sentence: The solicitor's ignoble intentions were made clear when she used the money that was supposed to be for charity, on a trip to Hawaii.

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